

hattie || 3 hats in a trenchcoat || mid-20s || they/them || occasionally draws things

フォロー数:107 フォロワー数:22

5. Flat Gulp Friday
6. Cutiefant
7. Corollsola
8. ’s Seel-sona

1 3

thanks for the tag! pretty much everyone I know has been tagged already so if you see this, you're it! https://t.co/QNgt8qP4KU

1 5

okay I had to do something for because it's my favorite color
can you tell I love food?? :D

6 20

Dragonite x Animal Crossing

This is one of my favorites! I feel like Dragonite was just meant to be an AC character XD

14 57

a Jolteon x Animal Crossing for you

1 4

This mermaid says trans rights!

3 5