Evelina Katiliūtėさんのプロフィール画像

Evelina Katiliūtėさんのイラストまとめ

Artist's personal overview from A to Z.
Theory is theory- opinion is opinion, but those who don't understand essence cannot read, because they needs think.

フォロー数:611 フォロワー数:587

Lithuanian came to Denmark, but all Danes, like 🔝 👪 & classmates & even faces of are same as 🤪 & 😡 Is this why 💣 Hamas, because are too 🤪 & have only caused problems, but have not paid their for several decades?

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Hvor er danske offentligheds solidaritet for at vælte regeringen? Kan danskerne kun pege på Rusland, fordi de ikke 🧠, at de er lige så forfængelige udnyttere på udkig kun efter deres egne fordele fra fremmede mennesker? Russiske mening er ikke blevet lyttet til længe, men ...

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... bees themselves are origin of most larvae, but that farmer could make carp sauce from honey, bees fly to of nuclear power plants & bring too much pollen, & after traveling they turn in of farmers' yards, because sides are beaten by crazy flies.

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The word min'ist'ry corresponds to the identity of the ministers, because Minis Ters is trying to experiment in the Cabinets of Min. Hysteria, & in other words, the penis plays with toys.
Which of the 👇🖕?

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Foreign citizens are all judged equally by cruelest & 🔝 stupid people, but does an stupid person 🧠 that foreign citizens judge them by their cruelest & rudest people, & anger of an clever person when strangers call him & his own nation murders, prostitutes or swindlers is same.

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Marathon like life, but in life smart people are dragged down by exploiters to whom they throw information & money while running first, but exploiters even if they come first due to arrogant character of scammers, ...

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Liver failure are results of 🥃 & 💊, so that everyone knows how much costs, because annoying 🗣️ ate 🧠 health of everyone who ⚰️ of & cirrhosis, because 🥳 never managed to work & 🧑‍🎓 on their own, but envious, who wanted to lead wise, wanted 🪙 for 🆓.

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Maria ✒️ to authorities, but villager 👱 thinks that it isn't worth paying attention to Eastern European, because what can Eastern do for leader? 🥚 will do nothing, because he isn't murderer, swindler & THIEF, but are to be feared, because God ...

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... og 🗣️ i fællesskabet, fordi på er det at medarbejdere når de fleste af dem ikke har nogen at tale med i deres og de aldrig kan tie stille, når de fleste af dem er udadvendte fra barndommen.

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..., but in private life, if person makes mistake, is slow & hides everything, nothing good can be expected, because person will be martyr for rest of his life with duck.

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