HCLW WIKI (Hardcore Leveling Warrior WIKI)さんのプロフィール画像

HCLW WIKI (Hardcore Leveling Warrior WIKI)さんのイラストまとめ

The Twitter page of the HCLW Wiki, where all your HCLW a info can be found

Always use FULL VIEW over MOBILE VIEW (Scroll to very bottom of the page to change)

フォロー数:14 フォロワー数:477

S2E105, The Best Swordsman's real name is revealed in the webtoon. He is seen working on a utility pole as an Electrical Power Systems Engineer. He was also a gold medal level kendōka

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Happy birthday to 'Yeo Bong-Sun', aka 'Lu Bu' (LINE: Fengxian) in Lucid Adventure. His close friends call him "Bong-Sunny".

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The fight scene between HCLW and The Best Swordsman in S2E104 was first referenced in S1E91 by 'The Best Swordsman' (LINE: Master Swordsman)

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Chota is the same lv 3 character from S1E1 called 'Choco Flavored Potato Soup'.
Chota's game name and original design may be a homage to 'Shin-Chan' from the 'Crayon Shin-chan' manga

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The only known users in Lucid Adventure with the 'Transcendental Skill Type' (Tier 0) Personal Attribute

Dark - Time
Sad Smile - Contractor
Constant - Liar
Han Gun-Ho - ???

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"That type of attack was cute!"

"You're a bit better than an Imoogi!"

- HCLW after tanking Majin Form Light's Ultimate Skill (From 'Episode 166')

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Although obvious since S2E81, it was finally confirmed in S2E94 that Yopy was the 2nd person Dark asked HH to get help from. That's how Yopy got the HH TCG card he used in S2E81

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On 25.11.20, the author, Kim Shoon, revealed on his blog that he is developing 2 separate projects about 'The Knights' and 'Heart Heater'. The post has been translated to English.

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Bottom Left
Name: Sun Wukong
Class: Wizard
Affiliation: Elixir Plant
Rank: 40

Bottom Right
Name: I Lick Ketchup (This is his name...)
Class: Swordsman
Affiliation: Yopy Land
Rank: 42

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Top Left
Name: Ariast
Class: Knight
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Rank: 89

Top Right
Name: Halloween Girl
Class: Thief
Affiliation: Dark Land
Rank: 60

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