

No new art here, new art will be on my FA, Tumblr, Telegram & Discord- discord.gg/KyYkgWVEFt

No longer doing commissions

フォロー数:932 フォロワー数:247

I finished this at 2 in the morning.

This started as a normal dragon & turned into something from Killing Floor, It was going to be a simple sketch I ended up refining it a bit & adding color.

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Vithral’s new glasses
I was up pretty late last night wanting to draw something and I found an art prompt to draw your OC in glasses.

I drew the whole thing without even using the line tool just the mouse I wanted to see how it would come out.

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Tiger hooks & Spiked shield

I felt like drawing some interesting weapons so I drew these up real quick for a little practice.

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I was messing around in CSP & I just found the mirror tool today, I’ve had this program for 3 years...

So I had a little fun & made this dragon, I finally remembered to add my watermark to something.

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Ziffer ref in full color,
I just finished coloring him a few minutes ago with my attempt at shading.

The first one has shading the second one does not.

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I made myself a new avatar

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I just finished getting caught up on this cool comic & I thought these creatures were pretty neat so I thought I’d try to draw some fan art.

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I don't post much on here so have a couple of the latest things I've drawn.

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I tried out some different things with this piece like a little lighting & shading.

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Well I had this nice background so I thought I'd make another spaceship/plane.

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