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Hey Comic Fans!
Are you a fan of John Byrne and Alpha Flight? Well then you're in luck, I just uploaded a new video on my YouTube channel featuring the first 11 covers from Alpha Flight by John Byrne.
To check it out, click on the link right here 👉

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You may be strong.. but I'm in a class only Thor can touch!
Vision versus Wonder Man by Sal Buscema, Pablo Marcos & Don Warfield.

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The New Defenders # 151 by Kevin Nowlan.
In a fight with Manslaughter, Interloper intervenes & brings back Moondragon, just in time for it's demise!!! 

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Okay, team..hit'em with everything you've got!!
Guardian (not really) by John Byrne, Bob Wiacek & Andy Yanchus.

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The beautiful cover to Tony Stark Iron Man # 2 by Alexander Lozano. I love how Iron Man was drawn here by

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