

Game Creator: 70% of my body is made of movies.

フォロー数:246 フォロワー数:3790052

Watching INVASION tonight.

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I'm back from the desert planet. It was more than interesting, it was a relief. As an old fan of Denis. Not something to appreciate as a stand-alone film, but an experiential film that is truly a visual beauty in IMAX? Gorgeous art and cinematography.

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I was looking forward to Mike Flanagan's "Midnight Mass" because I liked "Oculus". I also liked "Gerald's Game". However, "The Chestnut Man" from Denmark is starting (I didn't read the original), so I held back and watched the 2 episodes. It's stranded.But don't rush me too much.

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The song "FAGILE" by Midge Ure sensei of ULTRAVOX, which is added in DSDC, was released in his solo album "FRAGILE". The orchestral version used in DSDC this time. It is included in the album "ORCHESTRATED".

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Films by Ilya Naishuller. "Hardcore Henry" and "Mr. Nobody".
He is making his own promotional video footage.
A genius artist of 21st century music and video.

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Tonight I'm watching "Perfect Blue" on BD.I saw this movie for the first time at a preview in 1997. At that time, most of the Japanese celluloid animation was explained through dialogues,

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It's Tanabata, so I went to see someone I love. It was Godzilla vs. Kong. I've been spoiled on social media, but I'm glad I was able to buy the luxury edition pamphlet. I bought some Godzilla toilet paper.

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I read Blade Runner's original story "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" in 1977, when it was published in paperback. This was the cover at the time. It was my first Dick's novel. The original is completely different from the movie, so please read it.

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Left one is the female character of DEATH STRANDING by Lindsay Wagner A.K.A. "The Bionic Woman". Right one is "the mysterious soldier" by Mads Mikkelsen.

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Went to see GODZILLA. I was expecting Kaz to be at the Q&A session.

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