

ENG/JP丨Tonberry丨Artemi Lunavorsa丨機工士丨ヤ.シュトラ姉様のためにFFXIVやってます。RT多め。おねショタ/百合好き。かやのん好き。丨hjzart.carrd.co丨🍃🐾

フォロー数:3392 フォロワー数:30435

Kept having this thought in my head the past week and had to get it out lol. It's kinda reaching but I just thought the whole SHB part when he's just sitting and standing around being all snide throughout your journey reminded me of it.

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Thank you all so much for the response :O
I wasn't actually really done yet, but feels off if i made a new post, so i'll get post the full pic as reply w

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