

🇵🇭 | what braincell | aka hoshi |
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with savvy lavy: @cherran_duo


フォロー数:577 フォロワー数:110

Dragonspine background studiess~

thanks for the pics!
(> U <)~*

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" ミライチズ " covered by 天月&96猫

AAAAA love their cover 😭✨


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aaaand 4 Amatsuki illustrations teehee~

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"Color history"
White (Pb)

time: 1hr

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Strawberry squid~
Tried to do a 1 hour sketch challenge for one drawing. Turns out the itch to draw a second one is stronger with is much better 😭. Might try another 1 hr challenge next time.

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"Just like the sweet Caffe Latte, Saves me a little, I want to believe everything has its meaning"

"Caffe Latte"

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Another mochi donut theme~ 🍩

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