NK ➡️ TKK voice soonさんのプロフィール画像

NK ➡️ TKK voice soonさんのイラストまとめ

EN/TH • IM@S & Blue Archive//______💝UzukiP🔸MamiP ⚾️ SubaruP_____👓 YuikaP 🚒 RyuP 😵‍💫 HiroP________ 💣 Mutsuki’s sensei

フォロー数:573 フォロワー数:1010

Unexpectedly, instead of getting really mad, she’s very entertained despite finding it ill-manner.

How he’s rebelling with determination and how she’d get to have fun disciplining him later on.

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Tokiko has a sharp tongue, as she exactly hit Miyu’s old wound

But it’s not like she’s not good at holding back or did it all the time, during Violet Violence job in her event, the director was being rather annoying, but she handled it calmly and stopped Tsukasa from complaining

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In the event there’s also an implication regarding her character.

When Noa stated how those small stars are swallowed by the brilliance of the moon. Tokiko said that it’s not a moon’s fault.

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Everyone says that it's the idols that please the fans, but in her perspective, there are servants who are waiting for the whip of love.

She barely has to try anything since all those servants are overjoyed just because she’s there as herself.

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Besides her bossy attitude, Tokiko is someone with strong confident. She mentioned several times (Christmas SR, for instance) that she’s the Tokiko that doesn’t belong to anyone and there’s nothing she can’t do.

The one who decides what she will do would be her and herself alone

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In one of unit conversation, she said that she doesn’t hate those with power. (Student Council President, Treasurer and Secretary with Izumi and Kiyomi)

She also see that Arisu has a potential to be good at disciplining (Chirstmas Party ’15 unit conversation with Anzu and Arisu)

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Tokiko also like it when others idol is getting aggressive to producer or being against her.

Like when Aiko was trying to dominate producer or how Setsuna wanted to be a gentle candy against her tough whip in memories episode. (Idol appealing)

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She’s rather secretive and didn’t like revealed too much information about herself.

In her event, when the interviewer asked her about how she spend her holidays, she told that person to leave it to the imagination. She also didn’t talk much about her family background.

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Her personality trait doesn’t seem to be stemmed from her family, she said in Noble Presence SR that character is something that naturally exuded, it depends on personality, not upbringing.

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She said it since her initial R (Deresute) that she’s serious, she likes being gazed, especially with her servant’s irresistible eyes. To her, idol is like a vocation.

She wants producer to stay with her until she reaches the top.

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