Author🦑John A DeLaughter🦑さんのプロフィール画像

Author🦑John A DeLaughter🦑さんのイラストまとめ

#JohnDeLaughter🦑#HAPPILYMARRIED🦑Amazon🎨#Author #HorrorArt credited to the Artist; not my art! #HPLovecraft #HRGiger !!No DMs!!

フォロー数:8948 フォロワー数:11292

💀In 1928, Federal officials made a vast series of raids & arrests in the town of Innsmouth, followed by the deliberate burning & dynamiting—of an enormous number of crumbling, worm-eaten & supposedly empty houses along the abandoned waterfront🎨Francois Baranger💀#HPLovecraft

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💀Then Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. He was of the old native blood & looked like a Pharaoh; the fellahin knelt when they saw him. He rose up out of the blackness of 27 centuries & heard messages from places not on this planet🎨Joao Sergio💀#HPLovecraft

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💀The folks at NASA said, "Recycling is the only way to make such a long trip, short of hibernation," which at the time, they didn't know how to do. So we signed up for the ecology special. It's not easy being green!🎨Art: Denis Zhbankov💀#Lovecraftian

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🚀It's just a "flesh-wound," all I need is a band-aid, & I'll be back in action. Let's see them try that again!🎨Denis Zhbankov🚀#Lovecraftian

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💀So from the gulfs of space to the wells of night, ever the praises of Great Cthulhu, of Tsathoggua, & of Him Who is not to be Named. Ever Their praises, & abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods. Iä! Shub-Niggurath! The Goat with a Thousand Young!🎨Miguel Lacasta💀#HPLovecraft

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🦑He is not to open the door which leads to the strange time & place, nor to invite Him Who lurks at the threshold🎨Aaron McBride🦑#AugustDerleth

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💀Only in Innsmouth. Oh, & in that awesome, secluded vacation spot in Brazil. What would you say, "Can I have your autograph?🎨Dan Piraro💀#Innsmouth

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🦑This is your Mind on Lovecraft. Savor the madness!🎨Art: Luca Oleastri, freelance illustrator🦑#Lovecraftian

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🦑Another race—a land race of beings shaped like octopi corresponding to the fabulous pre-human spawn of Cthulhu—soon began filtering down from cosmic infinity & precipitated a monstrous war which for a time drove the Old Ones wholly back to the sea🎨Elena Zimina🦑#HPLovecraft

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💀The Vermont myths differed little from the fauns, dryads & satyrs; & the wild Wales's dark hints of strange, small & terrible hidden troglodytes & burrowers-Or similar to the dreaded MiGo or “Abominable SnowMen” who lurk in the Himalayan heights🎨Adam Duff💀#HPLovecraft

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