

22 🇲🇦 | Item Shop Code: "HYPEX" — Fortnite Leaks & News.

Second Account: @ItsRealHYPEX
Email: [email protected]

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We will finally get The Mummy skin i leaked a while ago, maybe a Pyramid POI Finally? 😳 (Also, Golden Skull Trooper)

"The Mummy will also be lurching on the Island as a Character later in the month, trying to find his way home to the Underworld."

237 5193

Reminder that these are the upcoming funding rounds, Round 2 will probably start this Tuesday or next update. What are you voting for?

- Round 2: Combat SMG OR Combat AR
- Round 3: Boogie Bomb OR Combat Shotgun
- Round 4: Flint Lock OR Proximity Launcher

213 4817

Here's a better look at the upcoming sliding mechanic (thanks to for getting me the image). Here's what we know so far:

- You can shoot while sliding
- Surface angle & type will affect the speed
- 2 Seconds delay between each slide
- FOV increases by 15 when sliding

249 4413

.'s Skins are getting a new variant, probably these!

232 4280

please stop doing us like this 🙏

444 11612

Epic are working on a Remix Omega, Christmas Aerial Assault Trooper, Frozen Midas, Frozen Peely, Frozen Renegade Raider, Toon Brite Bomber & More..👀

Here are ALL the skins from the concepts survey in order:

711 9127

All the upcoming weapons that we've seen so far, there's more but these are the ones we saw in the trailers:

- Combat AR
- Combat SMG
- Dual Fiend Hunter Crossbows
- Sideways Shotgun

318 5629

Upcoming Fund Machine weapons to unvault/release:

- Round 1: Shockwave Launcher OR Rift-To-Go
- Round 2: Recoil SMG OR Recoil AR (both unreleased & Legendary, I'll post the stats later)
- Round 3: Boogie Bomb OR Combat Shotgun
- Round 4: Flint Lock OR Proximity Launcher

527 10157

Congrats to on getting her Yuki concept in-game!

1010 16533