

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:69

Fire felime and Muscle vulture

0 2

Dove the Vulture
"Calling herself "The Rampage Queen", she's a notorious criminal with a pension for violence. Her feats of strength are numerous, but her exceptional cunning is what truly makes her a great ally, but a dangerous foe."

5 23

X the Cat
"An infamous pyromaniac known as "The Red Flare", X is only allies with those looking to cause destruction. In combat, he prefers to keep his distance, setting ablaze everything around him and letting his fire consume all."

2 9

Umbra Eyhin
True neutral Aberration
Under the service of Mor's Atras, Eyhin is his shadow, watching over him, ready to strike down his master's enemies. Soft spoken, emotionless, Eyhin is a true enigma, even to his Lord, Atras.

0 4

Champion Ghorgho Ghun Ghesh
Necromancer Snek-Snek

0 7

Ezda, Lawful Neutral
Lizardfolk Monster Hunter Fighter
"An expert huntress, Ezda leads the clan of Lizardfolks from her tropical home. Born with an unbreakable will, even an ancient Dragon can't make her kneel. "

5 22

I wanna start working on this monster again.
Basically, it's a doppelganger that copy your class/race features, and it tries to become an exaggeration version of the PC or some monster.

9 12

Bluttier, Large Monstrosity
This beastial alien race's origins are shrouded in mystery. Regularly found in the bowels of abandoned space wreckages and planets with sunless skies, these beings are mentally primitive, but their overall physical powers unmatched.

3 5