

作家さんから承諾を得た作品のみ翻訳します | Fan translation is like sex, do it with consent.
Retired femboy poster extraordinaire.

Reader: hachirumi.com

フォロー数:151 フォロワー数:17131

Femboys on April Fool's Be Like...

Translated with 's permission!

93 650

My FemBoyfriend


441 2792

Scissors… Shoot!

In collaboration with

Translated with 's permission!

95 659

Rock, paper...

In collaboration with

Translated with 's permission!

51 464

But You’re the One Who Taught Me!

Translated with 's permission!

102 658

I’m Begging You! Please Crossdress! (2)

Translated with 's permission!

174 1050

The One-Eyed Prosthetic-Legged Antique Trader (1)

'Trader, Picking Up Twins'

Translated with 's permission!

97 701

I’m Begging You! Please Crossdress! (1)

Translated with 's permission!

162 1092

The Demon Girl and the Hunter

Translated with 's permission!

168 825

Crossdressing High School Freshman (4)


Translated with 's permission!

161 984