

Hafftka's works are in the collections of @metmuseum, @MuseumModernArt, @SFMOMA, @cmoa, @britishmuseum , @MFAH, The Culture Vault and more

フォロー数:8228 フォロワー数:19953

Down to Earth 2002 30” X 40” oil on canvas
Hafftka His work is in the permanent collections of the rnart   tion htexas and others.

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Altar 1984 78” X 62 oil on canvas Collection of the Housatonic Museum of Art , Bridgeport CT

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Untitled 1984 pastel on paper Private Collection

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Social Climber 2019 60” X 48” oil on canvas

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Dark Room 2019 24” X 18” oil on canvas

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Hidden Motives (Confessions of RB Kitaj) 2019 30” X22” watercolor and crayon on paper

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Geni 2019 16” X 12” watercolor, pencil and crayon on paper

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Fix 1985 78” X 100” oil on canvas

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Passage 1984 78” X 100” oil on canvas

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All Seeing 2019 30” X 22” watercolor, pencil and crayon on Fabriano paper

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