Comic Book Haikuさんのプロフィール画像

Comic Book Haikuさんのイラストまとめ

Comic book discourse
In seventeen syllables.
Silly enterprise.

フォロー数:1633 フォロワー数:583

Doom Patrol Haiku 371:
Lazarus Planet: Dark Fate
"The Concert that Ate Gotham"
February 14, 2023

Containing the spread
Like Tough Actin' Tinactin
Call the Doom Patrol

W: Dennis Culver
A: Chris Burnham
Cvr: David Marquez, Alejandro Sanchez

2 26

Doom Patrol Haiku 346:
Batman/Superman: World's Finest "The Devil Nezha: Ch. 2: The Devil Himself"

Unmoved as the seasons change
Immune to life's joys

W: Mark Waid
A: Dan Mora
I: Dan Mora
Cvr: Tim Sale/Dave Stewart

4 17

Doom Patrol Haiku 317:
Young Monsters in Love "Visibility"
April 2018

Beyond the senses
Transcending heart and body
True love is primal

W: Steve Orlando
A: Nic Klein
I: Nic Klein
Cvr: Kelley Jones/Michelle Madsen

2 13

Doom Patrol Haiku 275:
Doom Patrol (v5)   "Eviction Notice"
May 2010

Hope is a road paved
Treacherous landscapes to tame
It starts with one brick

W: Keith Giffen
A: Matthew Clark/Ron Randall
I: John Livesay
Cvr: Justiniano/Walden Wong/Guy Major

5 18

Doom Patrol Haiku 222:
JLA "Interludes on the Last Day of the World!"
June, 2004

Cliff wants a new look.
Even robots feel awkward
When they are naked

W: John Byrne/Chris Claremont
A: John Byrne/Jerry Ordway
I: Jerry Ordway
C: John Byrne/Jerry Ordway

4 12

Doom Patrol Haiku 218:
Solo "Doom Patrol vs Teen Titans"
December, 2005

The Swinging Sixties:
Dancing, clanking and fish sticks.
Chief just wants a nap.

W: Michael Allred/Lee Allred
A: Michael Allred
I: Michael Allred
C: Michael Allred

7 30

Doom Patrol Haiku 183:
DC Holiday Special '09 "The Christmas of Doom" February, 2010

A lonely Christmas
Is salvaged by family
Even if they're strange

W: Sterling Gates
A: Jonboy Meyers
I: Jonboy Meyers
C: Dustin Nguyen

6 20

Doom Patrol Haiku 182:
Doom Patrol (v2) "Remembrance of Lives Passed" October, 1994

Memories are flawed.
Reminisce on the fiction.
Ease the pain of truth.

W: Rachel Pollack
A: Jamie Tolagson
I: Matt Howarth
C: Kyle Baker

4 6

Doom Patrol Haiku 179:
Doom Patrol (v2) "The Dogs of Soul" July, 1994

Broken souls mend, but
Hidden beneath the rubble
New mysteries lie.

W: Rachel Pollack
A: The Pander Bros.
I: The Pander Bros.
C: Kyle Baker

4 8

Doom Patrol Haiku 177:
Doom Patrol (v2) "The Teiresias Wars: The Path of Vanished Alphabets" May, 1994

Kindred spirits merge
The modern Teiresias
Both and yet neither

W: Rachel Pollack
A: Ted McKeever
I: Ted McKeever
C: Kyle Baker

7 20