

solana lover and memecoin degen

フォロー数:9723 フォロワー数:384202

From the snow I moulded moon -
From the verses missing part...
What is written, leaf, on you?
- The strange Anqā...

3 5

I left tavern, went to seek
In the thicket thick a lane;
But the snow - too drowsy, deep...
I returned to former state.

4 11

Composition lacks the yellow,
By my window little sparrow
Chirps, "You see me not...
You seek something I have brought..."

5 8

And the last mystery of Konya for this time:
The Stones 💎💎💎

2 3

"Lady of Ontario" New quality photo:
(Gradually I will be changing images...)

4 8

In the branches bird is cooing,
Mystery is here, here..."
Through the branches Luna looming
As a yellow chandelier...

4 15

Stormy wind is still repeating,
"Wake and rise, the spirit sleeping!"
Pealing gong by surges high
Does perturb affrighted night...

4 9

Light is shimmering and fading,
Voice of gong revolves vibrating...
With a candle I am going
'Mid the billows heaving, rolling;

4 13

Voice of gong at night me roused,
Calling gong at night aloud,
"Spirit, thus arise, and hark
To the mysteries of heart!"

5 7

Abashed, on pavement then I sat,
The rain in air halted; Hang
Without motion drops...
In magic torpor stopped the clock;

4 7