

learning art (I do everything here, may that be a warning)

Comm: closed till end of June
VGen: vgen.co/HakumiWaku
TH: toyhou.se/Hakumi

フォロー数:1374 フォロワー数:2026

oo ty for this opportunity

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done! ig she is a oc ;-;

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a doodle so some of this lines are still there but
imma feed you guys some art while u wait for the razor fanart ;)

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me? these are my most recent works and my male character works

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a gift for
bc they are so nice (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) and idk how I can pay them back
I'm really sorry for the quality

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idk why people do this but imma join ;v;
irl vs oc!
app used - https://t.co/C9iv3p10T8

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