

Just trying to understand the world when holding charcoal...and a guitar.

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Where are we going? Kid, Anyplace you can imagine, but what if I told you, drawing could share your imagination beyond words?

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2023 Art from Chalker Elementary…amazing

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Thursday March 23rd @ 6-7:30 pm, CHALKER’S OUT OF THIS WORLD STEAM NIGHT, featuring more than 1,300 artworks crafted by children grades Kindergarten through 5th grade

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Drawing activates a deeper way of thinking. 1st-4th grade students on creating their own ocean based fictional story from an emphasis on symbolic meaning. Compositional arrangement, character development, and embedded meaning within the image are student driven

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Cool kids drawing toys…

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4th graders answer like this in my classroom.

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Line leads to shape shape leads to form form when mindful of space and value elevates your mechanical ability. The only thing getting in your way sometimes is your thoughts. Conquer them and set yourself forward. Who knows what your limits are?

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I’ll lay the foundation. What you decide to do with it is entirely up to you. If you’ve been in my class you know the language of drawing.

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Chalker’s Annual Art Show more than 1,400 artworks for a proper school wide elementary art show exhibits March 23rd. Elevate your mind.

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