

Artist/Illustrator, Writer, Gamer.
Cynical Optimist hailing from Gerrmany.

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:105

The Necromancers are an important faction in my dark-fantasy-story. As the underlings of the Dark Lord, sworn to carry out his will, they operate all over the world to summon the dead, eliminate opposition and bring ruin to the land.

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The Big, Bad Wolf, as he appears in fairy tales like "Red Riding Hood" and "Three Little Pigs".
Infected by a corrupting force, his hunger becomes manifest. The wolf, in his greed, is literally consuming himself.

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Happy 13th Birthday, Epic Battle Fantasy!

Though I spend some of last week and the better part of the weekend on this, I admit I was rushing pretty hard.

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Commission of Goldenhair, from Yu-Gi-Ohs Plunder Patroll;
The commissioner requested her assets to be "improved" which I was happy to oblige :P

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Drawn for a challenge by
It's his character Lusk, the little Wolf Warrior.

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The Deer Woman;
A seductress who lures in (adulterous or promiscuous) men to trample them.

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The german anime/japan-magazine Koneko held a contest in celebration of their 100th issue and I made it to the top 15 finalists.

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