Vektra McIntosh is a Dweller and Senior Class Esper, who has the ability to slow things down in a field around her or specifically target a process to slow
The jazz-cup pattern is how her psychic powers physically manifest to the eye
The Senior Class is the group of 5 powerful Induced Espers, who met and later broke out of M-DULA's St. Loebs testing compound with dozens of fellow test subjects
They now reside in the Esper Compound in southern France, and roam the world helping other victims of M-DULA
Bemused Rabbit Girl is mildly flattered at your greeting but also kind of annoyed because she did pay at least 50% too much for this creamsicle and it's melting so please hurry it up
The GRIM (General Reaping & Independent Mercenary) Corps is Vanillin's pet project of sorts in her unlife, taking the somewhat disorganized fireteam of Reapers (Chirin, Nervous, and Luka) and whipping them into a proper and capable squadron.