HammerJarl Jurenhar Lyanaxさんのプロフィール画像

HammerJarl Jurenhar Lyanaxさんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:678 フォロワー数:364

dude, he asked for a happy ending, not a retcon that emulates it, neither a "I was about to sleep and suddenly the answer came to me" that less than 10% of it's audience would like...

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It's so bad that sinked the whole show with it.

It's so bad that it fucking beat Voltron to a pulp. Star vs won 1st place as worst show/finale of that decade (2010-2019).

It's only peak performance was pic related.

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Make one of star and Marco with Hekapoo & Jackie: me, my bestfriend and his waifus

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Star is dead.
Too much cucking? Or was it Britney who gave her coronavirus?

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This was one of the worst again... because you failed.

Tell me, what does Shen had to do with balance, focus and making something change?... NOTHING. He is defense, not balance, nor development.

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