

🔞Writer of MANY pairings🔞 cozy fandom stuff & my work w/ Original Char Alexandria🎧! I COMMS OPEN⭐️☕️ ko-fi.com/hanabobanana. 🔥patreon-HanaBoBanana

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# alumi

Thank you!!! I'm really glad you are enjoying them! 💖

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Chp 10 of The Dilemmas of a Bookworm! Is now LIVE!✨✨✨✨ I hope you all enjoy! I always love writing this AU! It's so much fun! 💖💖🎉


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And Tales of a Summoner is LIVE! Ngl, I had this idea popping around my head and I'm excited that chp.1 is finally finished! 💙💛💚
I hope you all enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed conquering it up!
I was totes inspired by 90's magical girl animes! 🎉

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Happy New Year to you all! 🎉🎆 Feels good to bring this out before we start 2021! 💖
Chp.2 is now LIVE! 🤍💛
And ooooo boi~ It's gonna be spicy indeed!♡
For all you stans! And for all my dedicated readers! 💛🤍

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TMP will be the next update! I can't stay away from that one! 😭💖 I'm actually excited on what's gonna come next! 🥰🤭
Heading to bed!
Good Night everyone! 💛🤍

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Chp. 9 is now LIVE!! As always, I'm having a blast with this AU! Seriously, it's so much fun and I have so many ideas! 💗 thank you everyone for ur continued support! 💙💛
this one is for you! 😊🌻

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And we are officially done with the first arc, ladies and gentlemen! What a ride!! 💚💛
Thank you all for sticking with me through this and I can finally put that ✅ check haha! First arc/season DONE! WOOO!

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It is LIVE! Chp. 10 of FFTFT is now released! Plz enjoy! 💚💛💚💛💚

I had such a nice time writing this! Next chp is gonna be... 🔥🔥🔥😎! We are two chps away from the end of this ARC! 💖

https://t.co/G3Ohp7ydA2 https://t.co/oZS1qfjvPy

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It is here~ My secret project! This is for all you Alumi stans out there! 🤍💛
I fell in love with Albedo just as much as you all!
I hope you all enjoy! 🤍💛
Consider this a belated XMAS gift! XOXO


Now off to work on FFTFT, AAWY & ABD! 💙💛🤍💚🧡

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I'm sure ur commisoners will understand if you wanna doodle something else! Don't work urself to hard! 😭

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