HandOfSchnoz @ BerserkAnalysis | 🍉🔴⚫⚪🟢さんのプロフィール画像

HandOfSchnoz @ BerserkAnalysis | 🍉🔴⚫⚪🟢さんのイラストまとめ

Betty 🇩🇪 | Owner of berserkanalysis.com | Love Berserk & hamhams. Artist, Colorist, Developer, Blogger | bscully | +30 👵 | Thank you Miura

フォロー数:548 フォロワー数:4708

I really really love the colored page in this chapter btw!

20 175

At this rate i'm convinced that there is a inspiration "pipeline" between Berserk & Vampire Hunter D (not sure in which direction it goes though). Look at the pauldron design here

6 48

Charlotte from Vampire Hunter D
Charlotte from Berserk

49 435

Why does he have nipples!!!! the nipple discrimination continues

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