

Vewy Depwessed 😎
Wanroom phone my beloved

フォロー数:313 フォロワー数:185

They are best fwiends OwO 💕💕💕💕

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Anyway here's 白漓落 (Bái lí luò)! She's 15 and really likes to eat candy~

Unfortunately her demo is password protected and the password isn't listed on her page :( I can't find any other examples of her being used either and I haven't gotten around to archiving her yet.

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I'm just sayin I would cry if she got to be in a fanmade vsynth concert

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I find it extremely funny that Mo Jin has a better quality bank than her adult sister, Mo Ci. Like Mo Ci's download is bigger, but she has less phonemes and sounds like she was recorded on a toaster. Mo Jin is still one of the highest quality NN banks I've found.

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Pang Duola is one of my fav plus sized synths UwU Her name translates to Fat Dora according to google and she seems to have been made as a joke but her voicebank is so nice and her design is really cute

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Her birthday is only like 3 months away aaaaaa I can't wait to celebrate !!! It's October 23rd so mark your calendars for Mo Jin's Birthday Bash >:) maybe I should write her a birthday song

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Anyway drop you hot takes and your favorite diverse vocal synths I want to see and hear them please.

(Aphelia - UTAU {they are enby}, Akaza - Alt. design for Unity-Chan, Ginsaki Yamato - Cevio Color Series, and Pang Duola - NIAONiao)

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Quick who is a bigger himbo?

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Here are some examples of my work :) My favorite synthv is Eleanor Forte Standard UwU but also if you have a very quick deadline I would suggest looking to the other artists in this thread. Comm info blow:


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I wanna know your top 4 very nasal sounding voicebanks. Who is your nasal squad? Here's mine. Hime is less nasal than the rest of them but she still has a stuffy nose UwU I love them all and how they sing from the nose >:)

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