

Vocal Synth and SFW art account
反響新之助 (Hankyo Shin'nosuke's voicer and manager)

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:564

Teorias conspiratorias involviendo la influencia del Popipo en la aparicion de los Alienigenas y la cancelacion del choripan con tuco.

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Saw this on a discord server, had to do it.

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Me, explaining to the Vocaloid Fandom that cancelling a dead person on the basis of a misconception of what he tried to convey is not only disrespectful but a complete asshole tactic.:

2 11

反響新之助 iZNO3_処理エンジン試験2号 (Blackjack)’ https://t.co/RRjDQSiyGL

4 19

♥Lonely in Gorgeous♥ by tommy february6 (Tomoko Kawase)
UST: twobuki/tfwjp & tbagirlfriend

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You don't even have to imagine it.

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Now imagine him dancing to this.

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