

Age: 21🇹🇹
NSFW: @GoonpeiIori

フォロー数:2381 フォロワー数:1202

Anyways what y'all thinking⁉️

4 9

Men grow up and have to decide who among these three characters do they wish to have a near perfect impression of.

30 240

Don't think I've ever seen such an inherently non-problematic character bring out the largest swarm of losers to argue for and against his existence then Priam has with the FE community.

1 4

Ibuki Mioda vs. Xinyan in a music contest (they become friends later)

2 5

Tharja vs. Child Protective Service

9 31

Bridget being confirmed as a trans girl makes porn of her just annoying and sickening to see and I wish people would just enjoy her without being horny

2 5

Name a more iconic duo

5 14

Wada Sachiko does not know how to fucking miss

14 132

This character design>>>>>>>>

5 27