

Got a twin sister : @Serris12
-art trade is cool
(don't use my art without authorization )

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Today I've to draw some pokemons by memory in 10 minutes with my twin : here my 4 fav

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This time I drew one of my fav warframe Khora
I really like to use her ulti to cage the ennemies

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Wanted to draw my 2 OCs transformers but at the second my PC crashed :/ . At least I saved the first one

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redraw of Greninja 2015 --> 2021
My favorite starter when I was playing Pokemon Y

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It's ok if I just put this here for today ?
I've still not my own style qwq

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Commission made for
wanting to see his waifu doing the
with him ^^

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sometimes When I draw Inky I always forget to draw his beard X)

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2018-2021 Ye I gave to this demon OC a doggy vibe .
Called Xikon I've been inspired of Devilman for this one

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Drew one of my old OCs again for confort :)
Baby Ambouki and that's not a pokemon X)

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Redrawing OCs and editing them a bit X) ,
they're from when I was 14 watching transformer animated

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