

Would you like to support a dumbass whose only redeeming quality is being irredeemable? Please check out my fanbox. Thank You!


フォロー数:384 フォロワー数:1705

kiara beloved xD

who doesnt want to wake up and turn that pesky daily alarm off and see kiwawa first thing in the morning humu humu

thank you

0 3

Hello, am Haro

KFP's Box Man

Am Box but man is missing

0 15

Everyday my drawing stray further and further away from seisoness... (_ _||

a slightly riskier version

0 12

a bit of delay on the last minute due to being called back to work but finally done xD

thanks for letting me draw this, it was delici-..err fun

ps. two more yabaiversion, might post o.o"

9 50

actually progressing with a WIP, feels weird o.o"

0 7

One day, ill be able to say with pride, "ah yes, this girl, this vtuber that helped me get through such difficult times, ive drawn her... a whole damn lot and I don't regret a single second doing so"

50 237

Two things being mentioned a lot in my feed today:
-Chikin Tenders

How bout both?(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Speedrun attempt before succumbing to exhaustion

30 195

"Everything's gonna be alright, dont you worry my chimkin"

Ps.gonna sneak in an advance happy birthday tenchou since i dont know if I'll be sailing when the day comes

62 368

Might take a bit more time but hey atleast its progressing( ̄~ ̄;)

11 59

That moment when am still at sea but I heard about the thing so i figured I just had to....

Back to sleep( ´ ▽ ` )ノ , i miss watching streams...

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