

Pole tähtis, kes ma olen.

Ma seisan harkisjalu
ja uudistan maailma.
Mul on naljakas saba
ja kaks suurt silma

Ja ma ei taha
minna aia taha

フォロー数:133 フォロワー数:340

Art block hit hard. Might attempt to use tomorrow to write something since I haven't done that in awhile.

1 4

fuck it imma do a bunch of these

Glamrock Naha

2 7

Got it. I'll send multiple so you can pick. Draw whoever gets the ideas flowing haha

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Thank you for the chance! ❤️

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Reminded myself ibis paint again

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Was bored with no internet for awhile. Tried to get back into phone and finger drawing.

Did these with Sony sketch. Lines real wonky.

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Maybe one of them interests you :)

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