

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fan artist & writer. Pokémon megafan. JRPG fanatic. Mental fighter.

フォロー数:174 フォロワー数:332

I didn't really like my existing drawing of Great Spirit Dinair, so I redrew it, changing things up a little bit to show off its trickery a bit more. This is another important character from Game of the Sky.
This is my

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I drew my character, Haru, in Pikachu Belle's clothes. She hates them.
I never realised until now how boyish Haru looks, either.
No shading this time, either.
Maybe if you're nice to me, I'll draw her in Pikachu Pop Star clothes 👀
This is my

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I will fight for the place where I'm free, to live together and exist as me...
I used to do this thing where I'd draw Oshawott as a character from a thing I enjoyed a lot, but for some reason I stopped. I wanted to do this for a while, so why not?
This is my day 2.

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I didn't upload these, yet.

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I totally forgot to upload this batch of stuff. Since I was redesigning these fanfic characters, I thought might as well go for the whole cast again...
The Pichu is a special character. She wears a magnetic scarf and band that sticks to her, but she outgrows it as she evolves.

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I did drawing again tonight, redesigning old fanfic characters. I don't know if I'll ever rewrite them, but still, me drawing is me drawing~

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Drawing so much gave me... opportunities.

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Not all of the drawings ended up as characters! I drew important artefacts too, like the main character's necklace.

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