

友達になろう/ GRACE /

@royz_214_subaru elevaremos tu voz
#샤이니 #키 #KEY #김기범

フォロー数:142 フォロワー数:67


By Hathory Alice

The world you created, life and the past. They connect perfectly with every melody that comes from your heart. The blowing of the rose petals you gave me fall like rain from the window. Art and music unite us again.
I wait for destiny🌹

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お疲れ様でした。Descansa y buenas noches ❤️

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ひざきさんを描くのが大好きだと思います(≧◡≦) ♡。 どう思いますか?

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あきらめるつもりはない。 宇宙を歩いていますが、道をたどっています。 あなたは私のヒーローになりました、あなたは私に勇気を与えます😊🌌 ❲Supernova❳ Royz step

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お疲れ様でした and Happy Easter!それぞれの場所で毎回、とても特別です ❲EGOIST❳ (*^^*)

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Good luck for today ✨ Will be amazing🔥🌌

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お疲れ様でした💛 将来はもっと旅をしてください!✨ いつか行きたいです。御時間ありがとうございます。 HIZAKIは今、良い旅をしています🌻🙆

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One year ago in these moments I couldn't stop smiling, my heart was beating very fast and It was in peace, happy✨ Thanks for coming to Chile, Versailles came a year ago💞 It is a memory that I keep in my heart.
HIZAKI was happy with flowers the fans wore🌹 ありがとうGracias❤

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Many times I've wanted to see you, I'd like to talk to you. There are many things I want to tell you ... You さん is ours

✨❤💜We'll protect the love of the members and the fans with the light of our hands💜❤✨

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