

I stream games
Have a nice day!
Pixiv: pixiv.net/users/7690836

フォロー数:29 フォロワー数:5

Have a happy new year!!!
Eat lots of good food

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For obvious reasons, I won't be streaming for a couple of days.
And because I'm gonna forget to do it later, let's do it now:

I hope everyone a merry christmas and that you have a very nice day.

Also, eat a lot of good food

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Accurate representation of me right now.

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Yeah, this is gonna take a while, so I'll probably won't be able to stream today.
In the meantime, look at this thing I made yesterday just before having another blackout.

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Next stream will be on monday, today I got something else to take care of.
Until then, have a nice day.

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My MH rise copy is officially on his way to my home. This means jack shit giving where I live, so let's hope it arrives before night time. If it's not clear, I'm pretty pumped to play this game

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My internet came back not long ago....so yeah, the next stream will be tomorrow

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No stream today.....maybe.
I need to do some things, but if I got time, I'll do it later today

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