

Have Geek Will Travel web comic and geek travel blog by Lin & Nicki Workman.

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Crazy weather- close to a foot of snow and ice one week and 60-70 degrees the next...❄️☀️

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Hey, I found a mask- or should I say it found me..!!!

Actually, my wife is making us a few masks from scratch. I’ve heard wear one/don’t wear one. Gonna try & hopefully keep ourselves & others safe when we absolutely have to venture out for supplies/groceries.

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Love the merch we’ve seen announced at the but was hoping for some ones from the TV series or the mini-series. Would love to see those characters as POP!s. The original SDCC POP! run was so small.

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Always amazed when folks leave before an encore (or movie credits) but tonight I felt sorry for those heading out early. was amazing with songs from & tonight. Usually country + Broadway = a street in

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Another for ya - “Yes, Lois- there is a Metropolis.” started today and runs through Sunday. \S/


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Finished my grappling gun. It's a spray painted gun with an hose & a removable wooden hook. 🙂

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