

The coolest yordle in all Runeterra!🤘

Please don't message me to get me to commission you.
pfp🎨: @Onisase_Art
bg🎨: @cadena_piedra


フォロー数:375 フォロワー数:1802



another bday gift this one from the coolest fizz ever <3


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late bday gift from i absolutely love it and am totally gonna wear it in some of my future outfits! ☺️💜


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with the new cod coming out i just gotta look back at how addicted i got to the codmw2 remaster especially with the ranger missions😅nostalgia overflow
i just wish it was full i really dont get why they made it campaign only tbh


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i swear it was subconscious i didnt really mean to cover it up but one of em asked" ayo with your fighting style how do you not have scars?" and i thought "hol up wait youre right lulus a great healer but i should have atleast a few..."
so yeah here they are😅☺️


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