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I'm a blue birb uvu

フォロー数:351 フォロワー数:919

Typical demented feline behavior

0 3

How the hell do I stop being trapped in time?
Want to be productive, social, move forward. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK!

0 13

I found her laying at the bottom of the cage, I tried to give her CPR, but, she was already long gone at this point.
You were so gentle.
I would've loved to have seen your children, but just like Memmo....

Rest in peace, Ciri.
Our little cloud mutant, say hi to Memmo.

1 40

When you have some completely unfounded fear that no one will talk to you or be around you after a new year happens, jfc, where'd that even come from?!

0 16

You know what you're doing, you absolute gremlin!

0 4

Oh wow, it's already been 3 years? Christ time is on SPEEEEED >< Massive congratulations though~!

1 2

I-...Taw I swear, do it you fucking madman.

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