

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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Unsure how the nerfs will affect the Arena? Us too. So we asked an expert. https://t.co/VmkyqMU3CR

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There are 12 Legendaries from Frozen Throne we do not recommend dusting. Here's our evaluation of them all. https://t.co/4gN2ysDFm8

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It can be hard to decide what Epics to keep. We take a look at what Frozen Throne cards you can consider dusting. https://t.co/lx0SYORYiy

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We recap how our Tier List has shifted following Monday's update. https://t.co/wL2GrKi5dZ

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If you're new to Hearthstone, we recommend you check out our intro to Handlock as it details the archetype's history https://t.co/hvsqsoQw59

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ICYMI: Last week we rounded up both competitive and fun decks that are being played at high levels. https://t.co/2nPezgnfiP

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We've rounded up some of the well-rounded thoughts from pro players and streamers regarding the Hearthstone nerfs. https://t.co/NWmQdKH6jQ

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The winners and losers of the upcoming Hearthstone balance changes. https://t.co/KIJ6puox6K

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Looking to fill up some space in your deck list? Here are all of the tech cards that you should consider. https://t.co/YPzpleqtiV

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Learn all about Paladin's unique mechanics, strengths, and weaknesses in our Class Overview series! https://t.co/qecUcPHins

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