

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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We examine the odds of Discovering a specific minion with Stitched Tracker. https://t.co/Y8ChgqcCxD

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Want to run Prince Taldaram? These are the 3-Cost cards you'll need to sacrifice. https://t.co/RDGTfApvu7

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Druid is the class for players that enjoy adapting to the board and playing big minions. Our Class Overview: https://t.co/TvpK92FBVx

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Priests are known for dragons, healing, combos, and high-value cards. More in our Class Overview and Guide: https://t.co/ddzE0ZwcEo

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Considering trying your hand at Arena? Let us give you a quick rundown of the game mode first. https://t.co/zmLfU6s5bx

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Hunters in are well known for their aggressive, sticky minions. More in our Class Overview and Guide: https://t.co/MCDAcmNU6Y

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Though it's not in a great space, Warlock is known for its unique ability to sacrifice Health for an advantage. https://t.co/s8slobKoro

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Learn about quest system and maximize your gold gain! https://t.co/MRj0qXYJMr

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Learn all about Paladin's unique mechanics, strengths, and weaknesses in our Class Overview series! https://t.co/qecUcPHins

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Don't just spend your Arcane Dust all willy-nilly! Our Crafting Guide and Legendary Tier List: https://t.co/mB4QEBTKSm

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