

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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The definition of board control varies depending on what class you're playing against. What to look out for: https://t.co/299qVQkqU0

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The last of our new player guides from talks about board control, optimizing trades and playing on curve. https://t.co/299qVQkqU0

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Learn all about Paladin's unique mechanics, strengths, and weaknesses in our Class Overview series! https://t.co/qecUcPHins

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We take a look at all of the Inspire and hero power cards that could be better come https://t.co/COU8veO0WC

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Don't just spend your Arcane Dust all willy-nilly! Our Crafting Guide and Legendary Tier List: https://t.co/mB4QEBTKSm

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With Quest Rogue recently nerfed, we expect many Rogue fans will be turning their eyes towards the Miracle version. https://t.co/XLxiiC93Bb

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Looking for one specific Beast from Jeweled Macaw? You only have a 1.3% chance to get it in Standard. More stats: https://t.co/uJuYbiCozY

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Burn Mage remains one of the best decks in Hearthstone. Our guide: https://t.co/trDAe7k0rM

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Blizzard has confirmed that Dreadsteet will return the full dust value when disenchanted once the change is live. https://t.co/wIa4gy1Fsv

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All of today's card reveals are now available in our database and deckbuilder! https://t.co/wIa4gy1Fsv

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