

Your home for Hearthstone. Improve your game with our plethora of deck guides, new player guides, and more!

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"Deathbringer Saurfang, you've lead armies. Can you lead our guests on tours of the citadel?" https://t.co/SXTvJURSuO

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Dragon Priest refuses to go away thanks to Drakonid Operative. Our guide will make sure you're ready to succeed: https://t.co/2X5YP9DqMT

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Soon, attacking with Mistress of Pain with Auchenai Soulpriest on the board will no longer OTK yourself. https://t.co/p9V5KZjanx

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You should be saving packs so you don't get a duplicate legendary, not for the free legendary in the first ten packs https://t.co/qXQNFyemxu

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A classic, Midrange Paladin still performs at the highest levels of play. Our guide: https://t.co/LvomjedYt6

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We've launched a hub for new hero cards where you can find all of the latest info! https://t.co/jYvZ5AKJiJ

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Brode recently confirmed that a Druid and Warlock hero skin are eventually coming. Who should they choose? https://t.co/ugpLj8jfJ4

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Need to complete your Priest quests on a budget? We recommend Silence Priest due to the many cheap cards it runs. https://t.co/pZy5UTmLUy

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Miracle Priest has somewhat fallen off with the rise of Control Priest, but many are still trying to make it work. https://t.co/o4cKVa513E

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Primordial Glyph may be controversial, but it does have defined odds. We explore those percentages here: https://t.co/52o6Jh6BEi

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