

I make YouTube videos, mostly about Monster Hunter.

contact info: [email protected]

フォロー数:542 フォロワー数:2678

Me realising Gravios is actually well designed and fun led to something of a spiritual awakening in terms of how I saw the series.

22 358

Imo the only Portable monster that feels unrealistic is Magnamalo and it's only really his design. Everything else about him feels realistic.

Like don't get me wrong I like the design, but they took the "Fallen Samurai Warrior" thing too far and it looks like he's wearing armour

18 387

If you guys are gonna shill for World monsters, at LEAST shill for the good ones!

Aka... the ones that didn't make it into Rise 😔😔😔

17 123

I reckon it's because you posted from android.

1 16

Thanking the lord every day they didn't put Valstrax in Iceborne. Can you imagine?

"Hunter, Valstrax is preparing his ambush! Quickly hide behind this rock!"

9 55

The red really contrasts with the blue of the Rise logo, and I love how its basically Malzeno when Rise was Ibushi and Narwa

7 74

Sunbreak logo goes so hard

111 1507