

2D animator & illustrator in video game

フォロー数:48 フォロワー数:324

Hi everyone, 2023 is here, my holidays are over and it's time to go back to the drawing! I've some goal for this new year. First, I want to draw more humans! So here comes a little fanart from Wednesday that I truly enjoyed <3

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This is the last character sheet of this book ! As soon as possible I'll send the scenes but I've procrastinated a bit to start them. First one is almost finished.

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Once again this golden random cat and this poor kid that doesn't live a long life due to Tigerstar ... From what I've understand, Gorsepaw was described as white and ginger but also as brown. I chose to follow what was on the warrior wiki.

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Don't say a word about Rowanpaw! I know he's going to be important, but to me he's just a random kid and I want it to stay like that untill I read those book I'll continue to read when I'll have draw more cats from arc 2 x'D Everthing is going to be ok ... T_T

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And we start the 5th book ! Incredible ...
Tigerstar's drawing is from my warriorcatober, it helps me a lot to have done this x'D
Also, I'm so happy to have drawn Russetfur <3

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And the last cat of this book is Mosspelt. She was Graystripe's kids adoptive mother. And there is one moment we see her again in the second arc where Leafpool confused her with Sorretail.

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I didn't remember this character to be honest. He was the other cat from Shadow clan to come asking for some help to thunder clan for their illness. He was found on the Runningwind's dead body and he died on the thunderpath right after.

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Omg, sweet memories when everything was alright <3
I liked Ashpaw so much ... I've to admit I miss him >< ( Don't spoil me, I've start the 3rd arc yet )
And for Fernpaw, I don't know why but I always imagine her brown x'D

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Yep sorry those two are from warrior catober but I want to win some time because there is stil a lot of characters to do ... I'm close to start arc 3 and I'm not even done with first arc's characters and scenes >< I've to speed up a bit!

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