

Fourteen terrors from the black abyss. I was the rage of mountains alive.
CRC 2024

フォロー数:2731 フォロワー数:515

Even though greenland sharks don't really need their eyes to hunt, I still feel pity for them because copepod parasites are always sticking on them, idk if this causes them pain but imagine living for hundreds of years only for a parasite to latch on to you and turn you blind

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When you're all geared up for studying all night but the WiFi won't let you, so you're sitting there just like:

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Working out to be like these guys

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Why does everyday feel like the same day all over and over. It's like time is repeating but with minor differences in between

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been playing around with photoshop and idk if this is nice

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If you don't love | then you don't deserve me
Me at my: | at my:

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Best costume design should go to JoJo's Bizarre Adventures
Look at them, so fashionable and flamboyant

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My reaction to the section arrangements, where I cry because my friends left

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