

Puns keep me young | I really enjoy looking at @nicali_'s face a whole lot | secret identity of King Heckin |26 He/him | I want to see how long I can make my bi

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made this incredible artwork for two of Nic and I’s DnD characters Jaque and Rie! He’s still open for commissions if you’re in the market for some incredible work

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It’s my friend ’s birthday today! I drew him and his fave OC V!

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Made ’s red fox character R in Fox McCloud’s outfit for

Very obvious reasons. Thank you for the approval Jasper!!!

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made this incredible commission of my DnD character Tenney/10E! Tenney is a battle android with a damaged memory chip from a piece of rubble hitting his head. He's now completely unaware of being an android despite having super human strength and speed

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Hey everyone, so I'm super low on cash and thought "Hey let's try being an artist". If you want anything commissioned I'll try my 100% best to do it because I still suck a lot, also meaning everything would be a "pay what you feel". Unless you don't want to. Uh. Rt please

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