Were of Rickさんのプロフィール画像

Were of Rickさんのイラストまとめ

Draws stuff every once in awhile

フォロー数:67 フォロワー数:2388

I've been trying to improve my posture due to chronic pain, but I swear every 15 seconds I revert back into a pretzel shape. I thought maybe walking more/sitting less would help, but now my legs are just sore along with everything else lol

17 153

Another old art post, this time about my headcanon for Raven, Celestia's right-hoof mare.

I am a huge sucker for the Bad Powers, Good People trope.

27 191

Someone's getting a Kobold in their stocking this year

11 71

Aurora Dash, from my old tumblr ask blog, Miss Pie's Monsters

12 84

Some ol' Celestia and Luna pictures, maybe already posted here

32 236

Heart to heart with Pinkie

65 298