

A trilingual grouch who likes pretty art basically. ENG/SWE/日本語

フォロー数:61 フォロワー数:184

Damn, the details. They made a version of Gramps with more scars

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このふむゆんのしろは、素敵!(C95 Keyセットから)

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Omg Inari, what's wrong with your fa~ce?

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"To err is human, but fear not for breasts are soft enough to envelop and embrace all mistakes"

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Not sure who the artist doing Harmonia is. The name looks similar to the person who did this

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RT> She managed better than Chihaya at least

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Honestly though, Miuna, still one of the best looking anime characters of all time

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サマポケモン ゲットだぜ!

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