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Not enough people talk about how great Tales of the Jedi is. While I liked it the first Time Reading it, it's when I reread them that they earned a special place in my Heart as a SW fan. Kevin J. Anderson and Tom Veitch gave us one of the best SW stories ever and deserve praise

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The redemption of Ulic Qel-Droma is Amoung the best stories ever told in the EU and Amoung the best Comics. This is the TotJ's chapter that convinced me that Ulic was the best character from this comics series. All finally Come together.

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en tendance. Petit rappel qu'il est le Jedi le plus puissant de l'histoire, que son couple avec Mara Jade est la perfection incarnée. Que son duel contre Abeloth est ultime. Qu'il a réanimé l'ordre Jedi et a un fils nommé Ben Skywalker

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Not really a surprise for people that know me personnaly, but I will tell it.

Mara Jade is to me the best female character that Star Wars ever had.
A lot of other female characters are great, Nomi Sunrider, Jarael, Leia, Padmé, Tahiri, Tenel Ka... But Mara is a tier above to me

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I don't know why, but some Eu authors sure did have a thing for redheads...
Another great reason to live the Expanded Universe !

-Mara Jade
-Tenel Ka Djo
-Natasi Daala
-Shae Koda

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Jaster Mereel was a Mandalorian leader during the last years of the Republic. He tried to reform the Mandalorians by creating the Codex of the Supercommando as a way help Mandalorians to get their honor back. An opposing faction rose lead by Tor Vizsla named the Death Watch

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Tahiti Veila was a Jedi Knight from the NJO. Raised on Tatooine by Tusken Raiders, she joined the NJO and became friend with Anakin Solo. She fougth during the Yuuzhan Vong's War and was harmed by shapers.
She had a long journey for recover. She joined Caedus but was redeemed.

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Jacen Solo. He is my favorite character from the EU and second favorite in the franchise. The Rise and Fall of this character is amoung the best things that SW ever built up.
A great thank to all the authors that contributed to his story.

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Yomin Carr was a Yuuzhan Vong warrior that inflitrated the ExGal-4 installation on Belkadan.
Mara Jade and Luke Skywalker came there and found it. Mara, ill, confronted the warrior and Killed him, being the first Jedi to Kill a Vong during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

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