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His power is no more, he has no souls left to consume. Her mother and the coveners urged Alexia on. Driven by their voices, the Mistress of the Witchfire strode toward Omodamos. The Legion of Lost Souls were tireless, a boon to the flagging allies of the Iron Kingdoms.


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Alexia Ciannor roamed the battlefield, Witchfire in hand, unsure of her place amongst the carnage. Everywhere she went, she saw defeat in the faces of those retreating. But amidst her own battle, she paused to see the gathered specters of the Legion of Lost Souls approach.

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The Daughters of the Flame dismounted and drew their weapons.
“The Synod sends its regards, Sovereign,” Thyra said as she approached Tristan.
“Do they? You are only here at the Priestess…”
“Protector,” the Flame of Sorrow cut him short, readying her swords, “of the Flame.”


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Feora looked out of her ragged tent into the expanse of the Bloodstone, shrouded in the night. Feora fleeing, her flame of ascendancy in the Protectorate extinguished. It seemed everyone and everything conspired against her to bring her down.


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There seemed to be no end to them as the Butcher lived up to his name. He was surrounded on all sides by the blood and flesh of the dead and dying. The White Queen’s power would be no more after today. But the calmness he found in this violence was marred.


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As the skorne retreated across the narrowest part of the Abyss, Elara glanced over her shoulder. She was suspicious of Ghyrrshyld’s absence but also that of Falcir. The hallytyr led the Iosan and Nyss forces seemingly without worry.


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“We must have a care, for that nightmare may be enough to be the scourge of all Immoren,” Asphyxious said.

“Any more than us? We have defeated more of these creatures than we care to count. This is merely one more,” Deneghra replied.


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Pure malice. It hungered. It raged. It yearned for slaughter. Feeding on the living was one thing, but this was new prey. The true prey. The Great Enemy was here, and it was ripe for destruction.


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There is a world beyond Everblight, Saeryn had said, where he is not welcome.

Rhyas was conflicted. Her sister knew they were in disfavor with the dragon for past indiscretions, so a world without him may be one to conquer. Or one to flee to.

Rhyas would not flee.

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From the dying horse, the Guardian took strength, stamina, and the shriek of its voice.

Clawing its way up from the pit, it spread tendrils across the battlefield. Flowing over and into nearby corpses, it absorbed the spirits of dying warriors: their memories, their fears.

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