

You gotta have Faith & Fortitude!
34 lazy otaku who love anime girl, anime & light/visual novel in general

Main Franchise
Digimon,Fate, Muv,Sao,Dal,many more

フォロー数:4475 フォロワー数:2101

Happy Birthday👍, Thank you for voting this two cutie and the sexy Gorilla girl.

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Some few twintail pic I found. I need to get more lol.

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That what I been doing to get all good art from Megumi. I want this picture, but going to wait for the annual Megumi.

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Love her😍 so much. Beautiful and quiet the badass😎

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Character wise to May, Dawn is pretty much copy and paste of May. But, Dawn is so freaking beautiful and cute. I could never choose, May alway has been my favorite Pokegirl but Dawn is evolution and extended of May.

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She may have been background character, but I love her design😍.

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Veemon will alway be my rookie favorite. But darn it was hard to choose the other rookie. I also love Agumon, Gatchmon, Betamon, Impmon X and few more lol.

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