

You gotta have Faith & Fortitude!
34 lazy otaku who love anime girl, anime & light/visual novel in general

Main Franchise
Digimon,Fate, Muv,Sao,Dal,many more

フォロー数:4923 フォロワー数:2121

Yes it is
There also this beautiful art

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Goodnight friend and mutual have beautiful weekend
Have fun and relax 😌
See ya later

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Can you guy spare 4 to 7 followers 🙏 pretty please

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This , honestly Sao has to many beautiful waifu

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Gm mutual and friend have awesome Friday. Almost sweet weekend time . Have amazing day

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Goodnight mutual and friend see ya tomorrow.
Finally freaking Friday 🙌. Sweet delicious paycheck and sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday. Just one more day of work

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Kinda funny I choice Megumin yesterday for free Keychain. Once again I choice Megumin

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