Sky! (Moved to the other app)さんのプロフィール画像

Sky! (Moved to the other app)さんのイラストまとめ

He/They, 31, NYC, BLM

Freelance artist, collectable monster fan.
Primarily known for drawing every Blaseball player!

フォロー数:1305 フォロワー数:1480

As its tea leaves develop further into feathers, this elegant monster becomes the epitome of angelic!

This is a Stage 4 monster! Great work, everyone!

1 9

As spring rolls around, the monster outgrows its blueberry bush and sprouts a fashionable coat of Cherry Blossoms!

This is a Stage 4 monster! Great work, everyone!

1 9

Incredibly dangerous, the monster now uses its hook to snag unsuspecting swimmers and drag them down to Davy Jones' Locker!

...It's still hungry though. Someone else needs to feed it another emoji!

2 7

Preying on other fish, this monster has become the apex predator of the ocean! Little can break through its steel-hard scales.

...It's still hungry though. Someone else needs to feed it another emoji!

1 4

Be careful when dealing with this wiggly little trickster! It pretends to be a butterfly as it plays pranks on those around it!

This monster has finished growing. It's full!

1 5

In due time, the cocoon hatches, revealing the form the monster has grown to become: A luminescent blue butterfly that flutters beneath the moon.

...It's still hungry though. Someone else needs to feed it another emoji!

2 6

Having developed a taste for blood, this monster has grown into a form that brings in a constant stream of willing victims for it to drink from.

This monster has finished growing. It's full!

1 7

Now deeply conflicted, this monster struggles to find its own identity. It needs some sort of guiding force to help it feel comfortable with who it is.

...Someone else needs to feed it another emoji!

1 10

This powerful monster can summon thunder by drumming on its belly! It's incredibly powerful, despite being only Stage 3!

This monster has finished growing. It's full!

3 7

Having stayed underground for a very long time, this monster can now burrow through the earth at high speeds by spinning like a drill bit!

...Turning proves to be difficult.

This monster has finished growing. It's full!

1 5